Tech Tiger

Technical High School, Springfield MA

Around School

Around School        Two extremists of the class of '30. Heavyweight Caesar Serra versus flyweight George Dumas. Caesar with his ponderous bulk once had ambition to become a football man. He trained so arduously that lie was finally given a chance in a practise game. The other team was trying to get through the Tech line. All Caesar had to do was to sit down and let the opposing player bounce off him. However, when Tech had the ball, things were different. Every time a Tech back tried to plunge through the line, he ran into the broad back of Caesar. Right then and there somebody decided in no kind and gentle language that Caesar Couldn't play football.

       Ah! Somebody's getting a ticket for parking. No, it's just his most honorable majesty, the August president of the class of '30, and Eugene Shumski. President Carroll McQueen is giving Eugene some hints on how to do it. Why Shumski is copying them down is a conjecture. He probably, wishes to publish them as, "Famous Sayings of a Famous Seer!" Carroll mutilated the traditional gavel so badly while tacking tip decorations for a dance that it looks as if the class of '30 will be obliged to donate a new one.

       When Greek meets Greek there's a riot. In this case there's a lot of noise. Sam Chernick, left, class orator of '30, and Stanley Bebler, noisest boy of '30, are declaring a truce so that this all talking picture may be taken. Stan is a good comedian. All those that saw him as Viscount Deerford in Disraeli and as the society climbing tailor in The Private Secretary will bear witness to the fact that his antics raised havoc with many coat buttons. Stan, however, has his serious moments during which he composes poetry.

       In the records of the class of '30, the lives of George Colton and Lois Fisher are in many respects similar. They are, respectively, the best boy and girl actors in the class as well as the most popular. George, a small petit brunet, rose to fame through his blushing modesty and complete lack of vanity. As for Lois her loss will be keenly felt by the dramatic element of the school, for her screaming is just perfect. To the regret of many, Lois was not seen on the Tech stage this year other than to sing "Hi-Ho everybody."

       Blushing, bashful babies, that's these two. Harold Soule and Barbara Mowry are the two most bashful seniors in the class Of '30. It took two days to get them to pose before the camera. Two days in succession Soule slipped out from under the photographer's nose. The picture was finally taken by having them both excused from a study period. You should know that Harold's hands are tied behind his back as lie kept trying to cover his face. It's a lucky thing for Barbara that this picture isn't a technicolor, for then one could see the fierce red blush that suffuses her face.

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