Dedication and Welcome Home Day

Wednesday, September 3, 1919

1:30 P.M.

Military Parade

Parade Committee
D. F. Doherty, Chairman H. J. Cleveland
August Buschamnn
C. F. Ely
E. T. Fowler
Gerorge Jachym
Wm. B. Mahoney
Dr. T. E. Power
A. D. Robinson
S. K Smith

A special feature of the third day of the Anniversary Celebration will be the "Welcome Home" to the Westfield boys who served their country in the World War. Westfield soldiers, sailors, and marines will be given the place of honor in the Military Parade.

Committee in charge of Westfield Service Men's section representing Westfield Post, American Legion.

Walter Q. Carl, Vice-Commandant
Thomas Scanlon, Adjutant
Edward Sheehan, Finance Officer
Noah Duperrault, Historian
Leroy C. Codding, Chaplain

Reuben Beman
Joseph Cullen
Ernest Decker
Arthur B. Long
Robert P. McMahon
Harold Whittemore
Joseph C. Wholean

The following organizations have been invited to participate in the Parade: —

Colonial Organizations

Lexington Minute Men
Worcester Continentals
Putnam Phalanx of Hartford
Lyon Post, Grand Army of the Republic
Spanish War Veterans of Springfield
Marjor Leonard Post, No. 70, Veterans of Foreign Wars, of Springfield

It is expected that a troop of a United States Cavalry will also be present.

Line of March

Parade will form on Depot Square and adjacent streets
North Elm street
Great River bridge
Elm street
Park Square
Court street
Day avenue
West Silver street
Broad street to the General Shepard monument for the Dedication ceremonies.

Dedication of General William Shepard Memorial

3 P.M.

Site — the triangular park south of Westfield Green

The venerable Henry Fuller, Esquire, for many years one of Westfield's leading attorneys, and most respected citizens, passed away in 1913, leaving in his will a bequest of $1000 for the purpose of erecting a memorial to Westfield's Revolutionary hero, Ge. William Shepard. This bequest gave impetus to what had long been a desire on the part of many citizens of the town that a suitable memorial should be erected. At a towm meeting a committee consisting of J. C. Greenough, Henry W. Ely, and A. D. Robinson was appointed to investigate and report on the matter. Action was deffered on several occasions, due to a feeling that the town could not afford the necessary appropriation in view of other pressing needs, but the committee by its own initiative secured pledges to the amount of about $4000 from descendants of General Shepard, both here ans elsewhere, and other interested citizens. In 1917, the town voted an appropriation of $3500 and added to the committee Messrs. Arthur S. Kneil and William T. Smith. This appropriation was recently supplemented by one of $750 for improving the grounds about the momument. This committee was empowered to erect and and dedicate the momument. After careful consideration it selected Mr. Augustus Lukeman of New York City to design the monument. Mr. Lukeman, a student under Daniel French, perhaps the most distinguished of American sculptors, is the designer of the McKinley statue at Adams, "The Circuit Rider," and other works of merit. He is a man of rapidly increasing reputation in the artistic world, and it is generally agreed that the committee has been fortunate in its selection of a sculptor. In the statue of General Shepard, Westfield possesses not only a dignified and worthy memorial to her distinguished son, but a vulauble and enduring work of art which she may always regard with pride and satisfaction.

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