Quarter Millennial Celebration

of the Incorporation of the
Town of Westfield
August Thirty-first, September First, Second, Third, 1919

Official Program

At a town meeting held September 18, 1918, on motion of Mr. Frank Grant it was voted that a Committee of One Hundred be appointed to make plans for the proper celebration of the 250th Anniversary of the founding of the Town of Westfield. The Committee appointed is as follows:—

Honorary Board
Reappointed from the Bicentennial Committee of 1869
Luther H. Beals
James C. Greenough
Edwin B. Smith
Lucius F. Thayer

Committee of One Hundred

Morrell H. Moore, Board of Selectmen
William K. Buschmann, Board of Selectmen
Louis L. Keefe, Board of Selectmen
Clarence A. Brodeur, Moderator
George W. Searle, Town Clerk
Frank A. Snow, Chairman of Assessors
Archibal J. Douglas, Chairman of Board of Health
Harry C. Lane, Chairman of Water Commissioners
Chester H. Abbe, Chairman of Municipal Light Board
Robert Chapin Parker, Chairman of School Committee
George B. Church, President of Board of Trade

S. Augustus Allen
Mrs. Lewis B. Allyn
Ida C. Ashley
James B. Atwater
Charles E. Avery
Gamaliel E. Austin
Luther H. Beals
Jonas Blech
Frances T. Boise
Homer Bush
William J. Chapman
Edward G. Clark
James H. Clark
Sanbord S. Conner
THomas J. Cooley
Frank E. Cowles
Louis M. Dewey
Eugene Doherty
Sturges Dorrance
Henry W. Ely
Joseph B. Ely
William H. Ensign
John P. Fogarty
Edward T. Fowler
Elizabeth Bush Fowler
Edgar L. Gillett
Lucy Douglas Gillett
Robert Gowdy
Frank Grant
James C. Greenough
Percy N. Hall
John J. Hearn
Edwin B. Hedges
Charles A. Hickson
Henrietta Phelps Holland
Elizabeth M. Hooker
Harold E. Howard
Geoprge Jachym
John Jakobowski
Willis S. Kellogg
Joseph A. Kenyon
John R. King
Herbert N. Kingsbury
John R. Kirwin

Herbert W. Kittredge
Arthur S. Kneil
George L. Lewis
Maud A. Lewis
Lillie Lambson Lilley
Charles J. Little
John H. Lockwood
George W. Loomis
Marion Noble Loomis
William F. Lyman
William B. Mahoney
Peter Marichak
George W. Miner
Richard J. Morrissey
Harris B. Moulton
Angennette Fowler Noble
Howard G. Noble
Howard G. Noble
Lewis C. Parker
Harry B. Putnam
Clara M. Reed
William B. Reed
Charles Rehor
Archie D. Robinson
George D. Roe
Leigh Sanford
Angelo Santucci
Addie E. Shepard
Frederick F. Shepard
Edwin B. Smith
Edwin J. Smith
Edwin W. Smith
William T. Smith
Louis O. Taylor
Lucius F. Thayer
James Tierney
George A. Upson
Gabriel Van Roth
Konstantinas Vasiliauskas
Charles B. Warren
Arthur F. Way
Florence Fuller Whitney
Maria Mosely Whitney
George E. Whipple
Alice Walkley Winslow

The Committee of One Hundred was organized with the following officers, executive committee, and advisory board: —

Executive Committee

William B. Reed, Chairman
Willis S. Kellogg, Vice-Chairman
George W. Searle, Treasurer
Edwin W. Smith, Secretary

Joseph B. Ely
Edgar L. Gillett
Frank Grant
Joseph A. Kenyon
John R. King
Charles J. Little
Frederick F. Shepard
Matthew W. Shine
This committee has general charge of the Quarter-Millennial Celebration. All sub-committees have been appointed by them, and their plans submitted to the executive committee for approval.

Advisory Board
Chester H. Abbe
Gamaliel E. Austin
Joseph D. Cadle
Daniel F. Doherty
Henry W. Ely
Edward T. Fowler
Elizabeth Bush Fowler
Lucy Douglas Gillett
Robert Gowdy

John K. Kirwin
Arthur S. Kneil
Elizabeth Morgan Way Lozier
Richard J. Morrissey
Frederick L. Parker
George D. Roe
Frances Abbottt Sackett
William T. Smith


Invitation Committee
Frank Grant, Chairman

C.H. Abbe
Lewis B. Allyn
H. W. Kittredge
Wm. B. Mahoney
F. F. Shepard

Honorary Members

Lucius F. Thayer
Edwin B. Smith
Jas. C. Greenough
Luther H. Beals

This committee has sought to obtain as complete a list as possible of the names and addresses of former residents of Westfield, and descendants of Westfield families living elsewhere. To this end blanks were sent to many Westfield citizens, on which they were asked to place the names and addresses of friends and relatives formerly residing here, and in this way the names of about four thousand of Westfield's absent sons and daughters were obtained. Information about the approaching Quarter-Millennial Celebration has been sent to all of these and subsequently a formal and urgent invitation to attend. It is expected that thousands of these absentees will return to renew old acquaintances and associations on the occasion of Westfield's Jubilee.

Committee on Decorations
P.N. Hall, Chairman

John Carl
W. J. Chapman
James Condron
Fred E. Beals
F. G. Farr
C. A. Kinard
M. R. King
J. H. Power
F. L. Squire
Louis D. Wheeler

Property-owners and business houses are requested to confer with this committee before arranging for decorations, in order that the committee may be able to carry out its plans for a unified and artistic color-scheme of decorations and a more beautiful general effect than would result from individual efforts.

Music Committee
H. J. Cleveland, Chairman

Lewis B. Allyn
Mrs. Patty Lee Clark
Glenn B. Cowles
Geo. L. Gaylord
Frederic Goodwin
Mrs. F. G. Parker

This committee has in charge the music of the celebration. It has secured the services of Short's band of Springfield and of the famous 104th Regiment band. These bands will be in Westfield during the celebration and will play at the various events of the celebration, and will also give several concerts. Other musical organizations will also be secured for the Military Parade on Wednesday, September 3.

Historical Souvenir Program Committee
William F. Lyman, Chairman

Ray L. Bartlett
E. G. Clark
Miss Elizabeth M. Hooker
Miss Louise E. Snow
Miss Mary S. Thayer

This book has been published under the auspices of this committee, which, after considering several plans, placed the publication of the book in charge of three Westfield citizens, Messrs. Edgar H. Plummer, Carl E. W. Welcome, and M. O. T. Coleman, "Westfield's 250th Anniversary Association." They have assumed financial responsibility, but a generous portion of the book has been at the disposal of the committee, and all the subject-matter has been submitted to its approval. The committee takes this opportunity to extend its thanks to the merchants, manufacturers, and professional men who have generously supported the project by their advertising.

Committee for Marking of Historic Sites
Lewis M. Dewey, Chairman

S. A. Allen
Homer Bush
Jas. A. Condron
J. Chambers Dewey
Mrs. Henry Holland
George R. Keife
Geo. L. Lewis
Dr. A. Fowler Noble
Mrs. Maria Mosely Whitney
Under the direction of this committee, placards giving interesting information have been placed upon numerous sites of historic interest about Westfield.

Committee on Transportation
George D. Roe, Chairman
R. C. Loomis, Vice-Chairman

Roy Chambers
Luke Corcoran
T. S. Cudworth
Harry Lampman
D. F. McCall
Arthur C. Sauers

Under the direction of this committee, on the mornings of September 1, 2, and 3, automobiles will be provided in order that visitors may be taken on tours about Westfield, visiting points of historic interest.

Educational Committee
Robert C. Parker, Chairman

C. A. Brodeur
Miss Mary A. Long
C. D. Stiles
Mrs. Nellie Shepard West

Following the suggestions of this committee, a History of Westfield was prepared for school use, edited by the Superintendent of Schools, Mr. Chester D. Stiles, and sanctioned by the school committee. This has been used as a text book in all except the lowest grades and tests based upon it have been passed by the children. Essays upon subjects connected with the history of Westfield have been prepared by the students in the high school and a long planned and most interesting graduating program was carried out by the Senior class, based upon the history of Westfield. It may be said that practically all of the school children of Westfield now know something of the salient points in the history of their town.

Publicity Committee
George W. Searle, Chairman

J. D. Bates
Edwin W. Smith

Finance Committee
Lewis C. Parker, Chairman
Jas. H. Clark
Loring P. Lane
This committee has charge of the proper expenditure of the funds provided for the celebration and the auditing of the same.

At a Town Meeting, held July 18, the sum of $10,000 was appropriated by the town to defray the expenses necessary for an adequate observance of the 250th Anniversary Celebration.

Hostess House and Loan Exhibit Committee
Mrs. Henry D. Chadwick, Chairman

Mrs. Lillian Avery
Mrs. Frederic Goodwin
Mrs. E. H. Plumer
Miss Louise Snow
Miss Avis Waterbury

Under the direction of this committee and the auspices of the Art Department of the Woman's Club, a Hostess House will be opened in the building immediately south of the High school, known as the Strong house, which is now owned by the Town of Westfield. THe house will be open upon Saturday, August 30, and will remain open during the days of the celebration, for the convenience of visitors and guests. Light refreshments will be served during these days and there will be an interesting exhibit of Colonial furniture, china, paintings, and other objects of historical interest loaned by members of Westfield families.

Housing and Information
Geo. E. Shepard, Jr., Chairman
Ward Rees, Vice-Chairman

D. H. Loomis
Fred Schmidt
F. H. Scott
George T. Slauter

An Information Bureau under the direction of this committee will be opened at the Town Hall, during the celebration, where visitors and guests may obtain information on all points connected with the celebration and especially with regard to available rooms, boarding houses, hotels, garage accommodations, etc.

Publication of the History of the Town of Westfield
Jas. H. Clark, Chairman
J. A. Kenyon
Geo. W. Miner

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