Our Principal Streets as They Appeared Many Years Ago

Principal Street of Westfield

From Left: Elm Street, Broad Street, Main Street
Elm Street

"Its crowing glory is its trees"

Elm street has naturally seen more changes than any other Westfield street, in the long process of evolution from a village street to the main thoroughfare of a thriving city. Unfortunately most of the fine elms which gave it its name have been sacreficed to the needs of a modern business street.

Broad Street

Ninety years ago Broad street had but few homes. Near South Broad street stood the home of Amos Fowler, and near by a small cooper shop. Nearly all the fine residences have been erected and the beautiful trees planted in the last sixty years.

Court Street with Town Pump

Court Street with Town Pump
Main Street

Main street has seen many changes in the last century. Where the Second Congregational church now stands, stood the "Tavern," and near it the house of Mr. Hastings, subsequently owned and occupied by Elijah Arnold. Next to this was the home of Major Douglas.

Court Street
A hundred years ago Court street was hardly more than a country road. None of the streets and avenues leading from it had been laid out and the cows were pastured where now stands comfortable homes. Almost all New England towns have beautiful streets but few can rival Court street, with its triple rows of towering elms, in dignity and beauty.

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