Tech Tiger

Technical High School, Springfield MA


The Nisimaha

The Nisimaha was formed at the Y.W.C.A. for girls from the three high schools. It is a branch of the National Organization of the Girl Reserves. "Nisimaha" is an Indian name meaning "Comrade." The purpose of the club is to promote honest, scholarship, wholesome recreation, clean thinking, service to others, a spirit of friendliness, and to uphold Christian standards.


First Semester

President, Sylvia Putnam
Vice-President, Agnes Rawstron
Secretary, Carol Winchell
Treasurer, Virginia Wiggin
Second Semester

President, Sylvia Putnam
Vice-President, Agnes Rawstron
Secretary, Jean Blair
Treasurer, Virginia Wiggin

Faculty Advisers, Miss Balcom, Miss Lutes, Miss Wilson


Harriet Andrus
Elva Ackerman
Hazel Beach
Jean Blair
Helen Borrner
Lilian Bower
Elizabeth Bower
Peggy Bullman
Pearl Banister
Majorie Carr
Florence Cook
Barbara Chapman
Jean Chase
Carolyn Daball
Adele Davis
Muriel Feeney
Alice Ford
Alletta Firtion
Caroline Frey
Phyllis Gleason
Olivia Heyman
Gladys Hill
Louise Howe
Virginia Kelley
Catherine LaPointe
Dorothy Lavalle
Margaret Lynch
Kathleen Murphy
Waneta Munsell
Jane Mahan
Moreen Morgan
Bernice Manning
Gail McGowan
Betty Macomber
Lucille Moran
Winifred Newton
Shirley Putnam
Sylvia Putnam
Gabrielle Paré
Fern Patterson
Doris Quimby
Doris Reichert
Agnes Rawstron
Marion Rice
Henrietta Rowland
Lulu Simpson
Alma Smith
Mary Smith
Dora Spinks
Helen Spinks
Dorothy White
Hazel White
Virginia Wiggin
Carol Winchell
Elizabeth Young

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